Have you ever tried to accomplish a small task on a cylinder head, but it's difficult because there's no easy way to hold it steady while you do the work? These Cylinder Head Holding Tools are a quick and easy solution to that problem. As long as you have a vise, you now have an easier way to hold it steady and get the work done.
These head holders will make it much easier to:
- Lap valves
- Port & polish
- Repair threaded holes
- Scrape gaskets
- Repair fins
- Strip paint
- Cut seats (with Neway type tool)
- Most other work you need to complete
Cylinder Head Holder
- No. 26 & No. 27 Head Holding Tools, are a fast solution to hold a cylinder head steady when doing just about any kind of work to the head.
- No. 26 has 12mm and 14mm ends and fits all '48-'99 big twin, all XL, and any other harley head with a spark plug that is one of these two sizes. The No. 26 does NOT fit OEM knuckle heads. This was mis-stated in the video. Aftermarket knuckleheads, such as those made by S&S will fit. But OEM knuckleheads have an 18mm spark plug size, which this tool does not fit.
- No. 27 has 10mm and 12mm ends and fits all Milwaukee 8, all evo Sportster, Twin Cam, and any other harley head with a spark plug that is one of these two sizes.
- Unlike other versions in the marketplace, these have a dog-point feature on the ends, which makes it much easier to avoid cross threading into the head.
- Inexpensive, easy to use, and a valuable addition to any tool box
- 100% made in USA
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